Cebel-i Lübnan'da kimliksel varoluşlar: Dürzîler ve Marunîler (1820-1860)
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Akdeniz'in doğu kıyısında yer alan Lübnan, XIX. yüzyıldan itibaren yabancı güçlerin siyasî ve dinî amaçlı faaliyetlerine sahne olmuştur. Lübnan'ın sahip olduğu jeopolitik konum ve bünyesinde barındırdığı etnik/dinî unsurlar, bir yandan dış müdahalelere fırsat sunarken diğer yandan da hassas dengeler üzerinde sürdürülen toplumsal ilişkileri ortaya çıkarmıştır. Zira Lübnan'ın toplumsal yapısını oluşturan etnik/dinî kimlikler çoğu zaman ülkedeki çatışma ve kaos ortamının temel nedeni olarak kabul edilmektedir. Cebel-i Lübnan'da XIX. yüzyılda yaşanan gerilimler ve çatışmalarda bölgenin iki başat toplumsal grubu olan Marunîler ile Dürzîler arasındaki güvensizlik duygusunun önemli bir rol oynadığı aşikârdır. Bu iki grubun birbirlerine karşı duyduğu güvensizlik ve bu nedenle ikisinin de güvenliğini arttırmak için verdiği mücadele çoğu kez dış destek ihtiyacını doğurmuş ve yabancı güçlerin bölgeye müdahalesinin yolunu açmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızda, 1820-1860 tarihleri arasında Marunîler ile Dürzîler arasındaki gerilimlerin ve çatışmaların arkasında yatan muhtelif nedenler, tarafların bekalarını korumaya yönelik kaygıları, toplumlararası güvensizlik duygusu ve dış müdahalecilik kavramı ön plana çıkarılarak tarihsel bir süreklilik içerisinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu minvalde çalışmamızda Lübnan'daki mezhepsel ve dinsel çeşitliliği referans noktası alarak mezkûr tarihler arasında yaşanan olaylar bağlamında Marunî ve Dürzî toplumlarının kendilerini ve çıkarlarını nasıl tanımladıkları, düşünce ve algılarının kimlik inşa sürecine etkileri, yabancı güçlerle ilişkileri ve yeni kimlik oluşumları karşısında merkezi otorite olan Osmanlı Devleti'nin bakış açısı incelenmektedir.
Lebanon is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. It has been the scene of political and religious activities of foreign powers since the 19th century. The geopolitical place of Lebanon and the ethnic/religious elements of the region paved way for foreign intervention and revealed the social relations maintained on delicate balances. It is often accepted that the ethnic/religious identities that constitute the social structure of the Lebanon are the main reason of the conflict and chaos in the region. It is obvious that the feeling of distrust between the Maronites and the Druze, who are the two dominant social groups in Mount Lebanon, played major role in the tensions and conflicts of the 19th century. As a result of this feeling and the struggle of the groups to increase the security of the region, these two groups needed external support and this situation led to foreign intervention. In this contex, in our study, between 1820-1860 the various reasons of tensions and conflict between the Maronites and the Druze, the concern to protect their own survivals, the feeling of distrust towards each other and the concept of foreign intervention are examined in a historical continuity. In this thesis, the sectarian and religious diversity of Lebanon was taken as a reference point. And between 1820-1860 how the Maronite and Druze societies defined themselves and their interest; what the effect of their thoughts and perceptions on their identity construction processes were; how their relations with foreign powers were and es being the central authority what the Ottoman State's reaction was towards the new identity formation processes of these societies are studied.
Lebanon is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. It has been the scene of political and religious activities of foreign powers since the 19th century. The geopolitical place of Lebanon and the ethnic/religious elements of the region paved way for foreign intervention and revealed the social relations maintained on delicate balances. It is often accepted that the ethnic/religious identities that constitute the social structure of the Lebanon are the main reason of the conflict and chaos in the region. It is obvious that the feeling of distrust between the Maronites and the Druze, who are the two dominant social groups in Mount Lebanon, played major role in the tensions and conflicts of the 19th century. As a result of this feeling and the struggle of the groups to increase the security of the region, these two groups needed external support and this situation led to foreign intervention. In this contex, in our study, between 1820-1860 the various reasons of tensions and conflict between the Maronites and the Druze, the concern to protect their own survivals, the feeling of distrust towards each other and the concept of foreign intervention are examined in a historical continuity. In this thesis, the sectarian and religious diversity of Lebanon was taken as a reference point. And between 1820-1860 how the Maronite and Druze societies defined themselves and their interest; what the effect of their thoughts and perceptions on their identity construction processes were; how their relations with foreign powers were and es being the central authority what the Ottoman State's reaction was towards the new identity formation processes of these societies are studied.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cebel-i Lübnan, Osmanlı Devleti, Dürzîler, Marunîler, Dış Müdahalecilik, Toplumlarası Güvenlik İkilemi, Hegemonya, Mount Lebanon, Ottaman State, Druze, Maronite, Foreign İnterventionism, Intersocietal Security Dilemma, Hegemony, Tarih, History, Cebel-i Lübnan, Cebel-i Lebanon, Dürziler, Druzes, Lübnan, Lebanon, Maruniler, Maronites, Osmanlı Devleti, Ottoman State