Polînkirina Lîstikên Zarokan Yên Herêma Mêrdînê
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi, Türkiye'de Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ev xebat li ser lîstikên gelêrî yên navenda herêma Mêrdinê ye. Mijara me bi vê qadê sînorkirî ye. Heta niha li ser lîstikên herêma Mêrdinê xebat nehatine kirin. Kesên ku me bi wan re hevpêyvîn kirine çavkaniyên me yên sereke ne. Armanca me ew e ku heta ji destê me hat bi awayekî xwezayî lîstikên vê herêmê bê berhevkirin û tomarkirin. Herwiha bi vê helwestê hat xwestin ku ev lîstik jibîrkirinê û ji wendakirinê bên xilaskirin. Di heman demê de ji bo folklora zarokan jî bibe nimûneyeke nivîskî.
Me di vê xebatê de bi duwazdeh kesan re hevpeyvîn kir. Ev kesên ku me bi wan re hevdîtin kiriye temen û zayendên wan ji hev cuda ne. Me bi rêya hevdîtinê hijdeh lîstik, bi rêya çavdêriyê jî heşt komlîstik berhev kirin. Teswîr û rezikê lîstikan jî bi zimanekî zanistî û vekirî hat ifadekirin. Ji van lîstikan hinek li derve, hinek li hindir tên lîstin. Hinek ji wan tenê keç, hinek jî tenê kur dilîzin, lê bi gelemperî bi hev re tê lîstin.
Di encama vê xebatê de hat dîtin ku bajarê Mêrdînê ji bilî taybetmendiyên xwe yên çandî û curbicuriya gundên xwe, ji aliye lîstikên zarokan ve jî gelekî dewlemend e.Her wiha di xaleke din de hat fêhmkirin ku amûrên dijîtal, tevgerên malbatan,Pêşveçûyinên teknolojîk, bajarbûyîn û dibistanên fermî jî li ser pêvajoya guherînalîstikên zarokan tesîreke mezin pêk tîne.
This study covers the local children's games belonging to the Mardin region. Our subject is limited to the field. Until today, there has been no study on children's plays belonging to the Mardin region in this area. Our sources are completely verbal and are the people we get information through interview. Our aim is to compile the plays of the region as naturally as we can and to prevent them from being forgotten and lost in the future. It is also to provide a written resource for children's folklore. In this study, we interviewed 12 people. The ages and genders of the people we interviewed are different from each other. We compiled 18 games by interview and group games by observation. We tried to express the descriptions and rules of the games in a scientific and clear language. While some of the games are played indoors, some are played outside, some only girls and some only boys play, but it has been seen that the games are generally played together. As a result of the study, it has been seen that Mardin province is rich in terms of children's games, apart from its cultural characteristics and villages. At another point; It has been seen that digital tool, family attitudes, technological developments, urbanization and schools have a great impact on children's play.
This study covers the local children's games belonging to the Mardin region. Our subject is limited to the field. Until today, there has been no study on children's plays belonging to the Mardin region in this area. Our sources are completely verbal and are the people we get information through interview. Our aim is to compile the plays of the region as naturally as we can and to prevent them from being forgotten and lost in the future. It is also to provide a written resource for children's folklore. In this study, we interviewed 12 people. The ages and genders of the people we interviewed are different from each other. We compiled 18 games by interview and group games by observation. We tried to express the descriptions and rules of the games in a scientific and clear language. While some of the games are played indoors, some are played outside, some only girls and some only boys play, but it has been seen that the games are generally played together. As a result of the study, it has been seen that Mardin province is rich in terms of children's games, apart from its cultural characteristics and villages. At another point; It has been seen that digital tool, family attitudes, technological developments, urbanization and schools have a great impact on children's play.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Lîstikên Gelêri, Lîstik, Zarok, Geşedan