Dergi Başlığı
Dergi ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi, Türkiye'de Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Em di vê xebatê de li ser yek ji cureyên edebiyata devkî rawestiyan ku ew jî delal in ku bi gelemperî ev helbestan re ewlêrk tê gotin. Qewlêrkên hatine berhevkirin ji gundê Hêrhêriya Sêwregê ye ku navê wê ya fermî Çaylarbaşi ye. Me di vê xebatê de xwest ku qewlêrkên vî gundî were tomarkirin û ji alîyê teşe û naverokê ve were hilsegandin. Bi vî hawî me armanc kir ku mînakên vê cureyê were qeydkirin.
Ev xebat ji destpêkek, sê beş û encamekê pêk tê. Di beşa yekem de wek cureyeke edebiyata devkî qewlêrk hatiye nasandin. Di beşa duyem de qewlêrkên ku hatine berhevkirin, hatine nivîsin. Di beşa dawî de jî qewlêrkê berhevkirî ji alîyê teşe û naverokê ve hatine hilsegandin. Di encamê de hat dîtin ku ev qewlêrk ji alîyê teşe û naverokê ve taybetîyên cureya qewlêrkê dihewînin, bi hêma û mijarên xwe raman û hestên gelê kurd nîşan didin.
In this study, we focused on mania, one of the oral literature products. Although the compiled manis were compiled from Herheri, a village of Siverek, the official name of this village is Çaylarbaşı. In this study, it was requested to compile the manis of this village and to evaluate them in terms of form and content. Thus, it is aimed to record specimens of this species. This study consists of an introduction, three main chapters and a conclusion. In the first part, the type of mania, which is a product of oral literature, is introduced. In the second part, the compiled poems were written. In the last part, these manias were examined in terms of form and content. As a result, it has been seen that these compiled manis contain the characteristics of the mani type in terms of form and content, and reflect the ideas and feelings of the Kurds in terms of symbols and subjects.
In this study, we focused on mania, one of the oral literature products. Although the compiled manis were compiled from Herheri, a village of Siverek, the official name of this village is Çaylarbaşı. In this study, it was requested to compile the manis of this village and to evaluate them in terms of form and content. Thus, it is aimed to record specimens of this species. This study consists of an introduction, three main chapters and a conclusion. In the first part, the type of mania, which is a product of oral literature, is introduced. In the second part, the compiled poems were written. In the last part, these manias were examined in terms of form and content. As a result, it has been seen that these compiled manis contain the characteristics of the mani type in terms of form and content, and reflect the ideas and feelings of the Kurds in terms of symbols and subjects.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Edebiyata Devkî, Qewlêrk, Sêwreg, Hêrhêrî, Kurdî