COVID-19 Pandemisi Süresince Huzurevinde Kalan Yaşlıların Hijyen Alışkanlıkları Üzerine Bir İnceleme

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Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



Abstract: Objective: Because the number of aging population is rising gradually this descriptive study is to evaluate the behaviors of individuals’ hygiene residing in residential homes during COVID-19 Pandemic. Method: The study was conducted through face-to-face interviews with 100 elderly individuals residing in nursing homes in two cities within the borders of the Eastern Anatolia Region, one of which has normal and the other metropolitan status. Data were collected with a socio-demographic information questionnaire and a questionnaire examining behaviors related to the mask-distance-cleanliness triad to protect against disease. Pearson chi-square analysis was applied to express the relationship between the groups. Results: A statistically significant relationship was found between the variable of the participants' COVID-19 recovery status and the use of masks indoors. (p: 0,008; r= .514) It was determined that there was a statistically significant relationship between the variable of COVID-19 transmission status of residential home residents and the use of hand sanitizer also there was a statistically significant relationship between the variable of the participants' status of having COVID-19 and the frequency of visitors to their rooms (p: 0,001; r= .646). Conclusions: Although the hygiene behaviors gained in order to prevent and reduce transmission during the pandemic are approaching the ideal level, it has been understood that more attention should be paid to the use of masks and social distance.


Anahtar Kelimeler

COVID-19, Hygiene, Residential Home, Pandemic, Older people


Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi

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Scopus Q Değeri






Efe M, Dicle Y, Pamuk D. (2023). An Evaluation on Hygiene Habits of Individuals Residing in Residential Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Process MAUNSagBil.Derg.: 3(2); 18-28.