19. Yüzyılda Diyarbakır’da Hıristiyan Cemaatler
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Akademik Araştırma ve Dayanışma Derneği
Erişim Hakkı
Diyarbakır, içinde bulunduğu coğrafyaya bağlı olarak, yüzyıllarca çok farklı etnik köken ve
dinden toplulukları içinde barındıran bir kent olmuştur. 19. yüzyılda da bu heterojen yapısını devam
ettiren Diyarbakır, Müslüman nüfusun ağırlıkta olduğu bir kent olmasına rağmen azımsanmayacak bir
Hıristiyan nüfusa sahiptir. Millet sisteminin yapısı gereği Diyarbakır’da yaşayan Hıristiyan cemaatler
mezhep esasına dayalı bir teşkilatlanmaya sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada bir yandan 19. yüzyılda Hıristiyan
cemaatlerin nüfusu üzerinde durulacak, diğer yandan bu cemaatlerin teşkilatlanmalarına değinilecektir.
Because of being included in the geography, Diyarbakır is a city that has sheltered very different ethnical origin and religious communities. Continuing its heterogeneous structure also in the 19th century, Diyarbakır had a Christian population which could not be underestimated though its population was largely made of the Muslims. Because of its national system structure, the Christian communities in Diyarbakır had an organization based on fundamentally religious sect. In this study, on the on hand the population of Christian communities in the 19th century will be emphasized and on the other hand the organization of these communities will be mentioned.
Because of being included in the geography, Diyarbakır is a city that has sheltered very different ethnical origin and religious communities. Continuing its heterogeneous structure also in the 19th century, Diyarbakır had a Christian population which could not be underestimated though its population was largely made of the Muslims. Because of its national system structure, the Christian communities in Diyarbakır had an organization based on fundamentally religious sect. In this study, on the on hand the population of Christian communities in the 19th century will be emphasized and on the other hand the organization of these communities will be mentioned.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diyarbakır, Cemaat
Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri