Van ve cami: Bir anlamlandırma denemesi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, toplumsal yaşamda, mimarlığın üretim alanı içinde, dini mimarinin somut bir birimi, Müslümanların ibadet mekânı olan camilerin, Van kent merkezi ölçeğinde (238 cami üzerinden) kamusal bir mekân olarak ele alınarak, tarihsel, kültürel ve sosyal yönlerden incelenmesidir. Bu bağlamda, cami konusunun salt fiziki özellikleri ile değerlendirilmesinin yeterli olamayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu yetersizlikten hareketle, pek konuşulmayan, teferruat olarak görülen yönlerin -mekânların üretiminde yer alan aktörlerin rollerinin, yazılı kayıtların, bazı tanıklıklar ve camiler için farklı zamanlarda düzenlenen matbu evrakların- eleştiriler bir bakış açısıyla tartışılması düşünülmektedir. Çalışmada caminin, özerk mimari söylemler ışığında tarihsel gelişim sürecindeki serüveninden, plan, cephe kuruluşları bazında geçirdiği değişikliklerden yeni bir biçim analizi üretmekten ziyade; camilerin kendileri araştırma konusu edilerek incelenmeleri çeşitli parantezlere almalar yoluyla gerçekleşmiştir. Çalışma, aynı gibi görünen cami yapılarının kendi içinde önemli, somut ve tikel birer varlık olduğunun bilincindedir. Camilerin yapım itibariyle yeni veya eski olmalarının, birbirleri ile olan bağlantılarının, farklılıklarının ve ortak yönlerinin zaman ve konum ilişkileri bağlamında değerlendirilmesi düşünülmüştür. Tez, Van kent merkezinde bulunan Selçuklu, Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet dönemi camilerini kapsayan yanı ile 16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Dönemi "klasik camilerin" izlerini taşıyan müstakil camiler, pasaj camileri, bina altı camileri, ticaretle entegre olan camileri ve TOKİ camilerini bir araya getirerek yeni bir anlamlandırma denemesinde bulunmuştur.
Aim of this study is to examine mosques from historical, cultural and socio-political perspectives as tangible elements of religious architecture; worshipping sites for Muslims; public space in the extent of Van city center (through 238 mosques) within the social life and architectural practice. This thesis suggests that evaluating mosques solely based upon their physical qualities would not be adequate. Instead, this thesis proposes to discuss critically the role of agents who are responsiple for the production of spaces with reference to the aspects which are nonspoken and overlooked as incidental in the light of written records, witnesses, registry and records that are produced in different time intervals. In this study mosques are inquired into as subject matters in their own account by means of various bracketing so that addressing questions such as mosques' progress within the context of architectural autonomy or their plan and façade organizations' evolution in time for finding a form-analysis method are avoided. Mosques that are addressed in this study appear to be identical, yet they are treated as significant singular entities in their own account. Mosques being old or new, their correlation with one another, their differences and similarities are intended to be evaluated with reference to their relationship to the temporal and the spatial contexts. In the light of this objective mosques from the Seljukian, the Ottoman and the Republic eras; the 16th century 'classic Ottoman mosques' are studied along with the underground mosques; mosques that are found in bazaars; mosques that are integrally related to commercial activities and congregate housing (TOKI) mosques which are found in Van city center. With this study, they are drawn together into the same pot; hence opening the discussion and the understanding of the differences and similarities between them.
Aim of this study is to examine mosques from historical, cultural and socio-political perspectives as tangible elements of religious architecture; worshipping sites for Muslims; public space in the extent of Van city center (through 238 mosques) within the social life and architectural practice. This thesis suggests that evaluating mosques solely based upon their physical qualities would not be adequate. Instead, this thesis proposes to discuss critically the role of agents who are responsiple for the production of spaces with reference to the aspects which are nonspoken and overlooked as incidental in the light of written records, witnesses, registry and records that are produced in different time intervals. In this study mosques are inquired into as subject matters in their own account by means of various bracketing so that addressing questions such as mosques' progress within the context of architectural autonomy or their plan and façade organizations' evolution in time for finding a form-analysis method are avoided. Mosques that are addressed in this study appear to be identical, yet they are treated as significant singular entities in their own account. Mosques being old or new, their correlation with one another, their differences and similarities are intended to be evaluated with reference to their relationship to the temporal and the spatial contexts. In the light of this objective mosques from the Seljukian, the Ottoman and the Republic eras; the 16th century 'classic Ottoman mosques' are studied along with the underground mosques; mosques that are found in bazaars; mosques that are integrally related to commercial activities and congregate housing (TOKI) mosques which are found in Van city center. With this study, they are drawn together into the same pot; hence opening the discussion and the understanding of the differences and similarities between them.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cami, Mimari Söylem, Klasik Cami, Matbu Evraklar, Van, Mosque, Architectural Rhetoric, Classic Mosque, Registry, Records, Van, Mimarlık, Architecture