Îmaja Ermenî dı Romanên kurdî yên Sovyeta berê de
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ÖZET Roman, tek başına sadece edebî bir tür değildir. Çoğu zaman konusuna göre edebi bir türün sınırlarından taşar, psikoloji, sosyoloji, tarih, antropoloji, siyaset ve diğer başka disiplinlere yönelir. Kürt romanı alanında bu iddia, en çok eski Sovyet Kürt Romanı üzerinde dayanak bulabilir. Eski Sovyet Kürt Romanı, bazen belgeroman, tarihi roman, propagandist roman ve bazen de folklorik bir eser gibi okunabilir. Eski Sovyet Kürt romanı, Ermenistan toprakları üzerinde doğdu. Eski Sovyet Kürt romanının doğuşu, aynı zamanda genel Kürt romanı alanında da ilk örnektir. Bu roman, Sosyalist Gerçekçilik akımının kurallarına göre yazıldı. Sosyalist Gerçekçilik akımı, eski Sovyet Kürt Romanına gerçeği ideolojik bir süzgeçten geçirdikten sonra okuyucuya sunma imkanı verdi. Bu durum, ermeni imajı oluşturma ve ermeni karekterleri yaratmakta da görülür. Bir istisna dışında bu romanlarda ermeniler, olumlu, iyi ve idealize edilmiş bir şekilde öne çıkmışlardır. Ermeni karekterleri, kişilik, okumuşluk, ilericilik, çalışkanlık, devrimcilik gibi bir çok alanda ideal örnekler olarak gösterilmişlerdir. Bu romanlarda, Ermeni toplumu da ilerici ve medeni bir toplum olarak görülür. Ermeniler, çoğunlukla Kürt-Ermeni ilişkileri doğrultusunda bu eserlerin gündemine girmişlerdir. Türk Devletinin tavrı, bu ilişkilerin niteliği konusunda belirleyici bir güç olarak konumlanmıştır. Bu ilişkiler, her iki ulusun Türklerle olan ilişkilerinin tersine iyi ve idealize bir şekilde temsil edilmişlerdir. Bu romanlara konu olan kürt ve ermeni ilişkilerinin tarihi, 19. yüzyılın sonlarından başlayıp eserin yazıldığı güne kadar devam eder. Ayrıntılı bir şekilde olmasa da Ermeni felaketi, bu romanların konuları arasında kendine yer edinmiştir. Kürt yazarların felaket karşısındaki tavrı, Türklerin Ermenilere haksızlık ettiğidir. Bu açıdan, romanlarında Osmanlı Devleti ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, birer güçlü ve işgalci devlet ve aynı zamanda Ermenilerle Kürtlerin ortak hasmı olarak öne sürülmüştür. Bu eserlere göre, Osmanlı Devleti her XII zaman polîtîka, arabuluculuk ve rüşvetle Kürtlerle Ermenilerin dostluk ve kardeşliğini bozmak ve onları birbirine düşürmek istemiştir. Fakat, Kürtlerle Ermeniler her zaman kardeş, dost, komşu ve kirve olmuşlardır. Olumlu Ermeni imajının oluşumunda, Kürtler'in Ermenistan'daki kazanımlarının rolü fazladır. Kürtler, Ermenistan'da sadece kültür ve eğitim alanında iyi imkanlara sahip olmamışlardır, aynı zamanda günlük yaşam açısından da kendilerini en çok orda rahat hissetmişlerdir. Kızıl Kürdistan'ın yıkılmasıyla birlikte de, Ermenistan tamamiyle SSCB Kürtler'inin merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmaya konu olan romanlarda, bir istisna olarak ermeni olumsuz imajının sadece bir örneği vardır. Bu imaj, Azerbeycanlı ve Müslüman bir Kürt tarafından öne sürülmüştür. 1937'de Kürtler'in Ermenistan'dan Orta Asya ülkelerine sürgünü, Ermeniler'in 1980'lerdeki ırkçılığı ve aynı zamanda Ermeniler'in Müslüman ve êzdî Kürt ayrımı, olumsuz imajın başlıca sebepleri olarak sayılabilir.
ABSTRACT Novel is not merely a literary genre. It usually exceeds the limits of a literary genre and tends to other disciplines like psychology, sociology, history, anthropology, politics, etc. This assertion in the field of Kurdish Novel may gain a foothold mostly in Old Soviet Kurdish Novel. The Old Soviet Kurdish Novel could be read sometimes as document-novel, historical novel, propagandist novel, and sometimes as a folkloric work. The Old Soviet Kurdish Novel which is the archetype of common Kurdish Novel emerged on Armenian lands. It has been written according to the rules of Socialist Reality Movement which has enabled the Old Soviet Kurdish Novel to present the reality to the reader after analysing it through an ideological filter. This situation is seen in creating an Armenian image and characters. In these novels, with an exception, Armenians have come into prominence as positive, good, and idealized people. Armenian characters are represented as ideal models in personality, intellectualism, progressivism, hard-working, revolutionism. The Armenian society is also regarded as a progressive and a civilized society in these novels. Armenians mostly enter the agenda of these works in line with the Kurdish-Armenian relations. The attitude of the Turkish State has situated as a decisive power in the nature of these relationship. Kurdish-Armenian relationships have been regarded as good and ideal contrary to the relationships of the two nations with Turks. The history of Kurdish and Armenian relations mentioned in these novels began in the late 19th Century and continued until the day the works were written. Though not specifically, 'Armenian catastrophe' is placed among the subject of these novels. Kurdish writers's attitude towards the catastrophe is that Turks were doing injustice to Armenians. In this respect, in their novels the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic were suggested as powerful and imperial states and in the XIV meantime as the common enemy of both Armenians and Kurds. According to these works, the Ottoman Empire always wanted to disrupt the friendship and brotherhood of the Kurds and the Armenians to each other and planted seeds of hate with policy, mediation and bribery. However, the Kurds and the Armenians have always been brother and sister, friend, neighbour, kirve. In the formation of positive image of Armenians, the role of the gains of Kurds in Armenia is considerable. The Kurds in Armenia not only have had good facilities in the field of education and culture but also they feel most comfortable themselves in there in terms of daily life. With the collapse of the Red Kurdistan, Armenia has become the centre of the USSR Kurds completely. In the novels subjected to this study, there is only one example of the negative image of Armenians as an exception. This image was suggested by an Azerbaijani Muslim Kurd. The exile of the Kurds from Armenia to the Central Asian countries in 1937, racism of the Armenians in the 1980s and also the tendency of Armenians to discriminate Muslim and Yazidi Kurds, considered as the main reasons for the negative image.
ABSTRACT Novel is not merely a literary genre. It usually exceeds the limits of a literary genre and tends to other disciplines like psychology, sociology, history, anthropology, politics, etc. This assertion in the field of Kurdish Novel may gain a foothold mostly in Old Soviet Kurdish Novel. The Old Soviet Kurdish Novel could be read sometimes as document-novel, historical novel, propagandist novel, and sometimes as a folkloric work. The Old Soviet Kurdish Novel which is the archetype of common Kurdish Novel emerged on Armenian lands. It has been written according to the rules of Socialist Reality Movement which has enabled the Old Soviet Kurdish Novel to present the reality to the reader after analysing it through an ideological filter. This situation is seen in creating an Armenian image and characters. In these novels, with an exception, Armenians have come into prominence as positive, good, and idealized people. Armenian characters are represented as ideal models in personality, intellectualism, progressivism, hard-working, revolutionism. The Armenian society is also regarded as a progressive and a civilized society in these novels. Armenians mostly enter the agenda of these works in line with the Kurdish-Armenian relations. The attitude of the Turkish State has situated as a decisive power in the nature of these relationship. Kurdish-Armenian relationships have been regarded as good and ideal contrary to the relationships of the two nations with Turks. The history of Kurdish and Armenian relations mentioned in these novels began in the late 19th Century and continued until the day the works were written. Though not specifically, 'Armenian catastrophe' is placed among the subject of these novels. Kurdish writers's attitude towards the catastrophe is that Turks were doing injustice to Armenians. In this respect, in their novels the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic were suggested as powerful and imperial states and in the XIV meantime as the common enemy of both Armenians and Kurds. According to these works, the Ottoman Empire always wanted to disrupt the friendship and brotherhood of the Kurds and the Armenians to each other and planted seeds of hate with policy, mediation and bribery. However, the Kurds and the Armenians have always been brother and sister, friend, neighbour, kirve. In the formation of positive image of Armenians, the role of the gains of Kurds in Armenia is considerable. The Kurds in Armenia not only have had good facilities in the field of education and culture but also they feel most comfortable themselves in there in terms of daily life. With the collapse of the Red Kurdistan, Armenia has become the centre of the USSR Kurds completely. In the novels subjected to this study, there is only one example of the negative image of Armenians as an exception. This image was suggested by an Azerbaijani Muslim Kurd. The exile of the Kurds from Armenia to the Central Asian countries in 1937, racism of the Armenians in the 1980s and also the tendency of Armenians to discriminate Muslim and Yazidi Kurds, considered as the main reasons for the negative image.
Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığı ile (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ermeni İmajı, eski Sovyet Kürt Romanı, Sosyalist Gerçekçilik, Ermeni Karekterleri, Kürt ve Ermeni İlişkileri, Osmanlı Devleti, Armenian Image, Old Soviet Kurdish Novel, Socialist Realism, Armenian Characters, Kurdish and Armenian Relations, Ottoman Empire, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature