819 Yılı Kroniği: Sunumu, tercümesi, tahlili
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Süryani historiyografisi alanında kendine yer bulmuş olan 819 Yılı Kroniği, Süryani ruhbanlar tarafından yüzyıllar boyunca oluşturulan tarih yazma literatürü alanında kaleme alınmış kroniklerden bir tanesidir. Süryanice yazılan kimi eserler Batıda yabancı dillere tercüme edilmelerine/çalışılmalarına rağmen, Türkiye'de bu alandaki çalışmalar yeni başlamış durumdadır. Bizlerde ilk defa olarak bu kroniği tercüme ederek Türkçeye kazandırmak ve okuyucuların yararına sunmak istedik. Eser, Mesih'in doğumundan başlayarak özelde Antakya Süryani Kilisesi ve genel olarak Suriye ve Mezopotamya'da cereyan eden olayları özet olarak miladi 819 yılına dek aktarmaktadır. Antakya Süryani Kilisesi ve Süryaniler dışında kronik, Bizans/Sasani ve Emevi/Abbasi devletleri ve dönemin dikkat çeken olayları hakkında da bazı özet bilgiler aktarmaktadır. vi Tez çalışmamız "giriş" ve "sonuç" kısımlarıyla birlikte iki ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş kısmında kroniğin önemi, kapsamı, sınırları ve çalışmanın amaçları ile çalışmada kullanılan kaynaklar tanıtılmıştır. "Siyasi, Sosyal ve Dini Arka Plan" başlığını taşıyan Birinci Bölümde, kroniğin yazıldığı dönemdeki siyasi, sosyal ve dini koşullar betimlenmiştir. Bir sonraki aşamada Süryanilerin kimliği, Batı ve Doğu Süryani Kiliseleri ve zımmî hukuku konularında bir özet sunulmuştur. Sonraki kademede ise yazmanın anonim yazarı, kroniğin elyazması ve kronik hakkında yapılan modern bazı çalışmalar aktarılmıştır. İkinci Bölümde, eserin Süryanice metni ve metnin Türkçe tercümesini verdik. Sonuç kısmında da çalışmanın bütünü ele alınarak bir değerlendirme yapılmış ve son safhada kullanılan kaynaklar sıralanmıştır.
The Chronicle of 819 is one of the many works produced by Syrian Orthodox clergymen as a contribution in the field of Syriac historiography that comprises many centuries. Although Syriac chronicles have long been translated into Western languages, this sort of studies have only just started in Turkey. Our intention was therefore to produce a translation of this work and bring it to the attention of the reader. This text relates a progression of historical events, particularly from within the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, and also some topics from the larger community of Syria and Mesopotamia in general, in summary fashion, starting with the birth of the Christ up to 819 CE. In addition to topics related with the Church of Antioch and the Syrian Orthodox community, the chronicle presents remarkable information also in summary form about the relations between the Byzantine and the Sasanian Empires and then also concerning the Umayyad and Abbasid realms. viii This thesis consists of an Introduction and a Conclusion, and two chapters. In the Introduction we presented the importance, content, and limits of the chronicle as well as the aim of the thesis and the sources used in its production. In the first chapter, entitled "Political, Social and Religious Background", firstly, an account of the political, social and religious conditions of the period was presented. Secondly, such topics as the identity of the Syrian Orthodox, the churches of the (Syriac) West and the East, and then the legal status of the non-Muslims within the Muslim realms (dhimmi law) were given in summary form. Thirdly, this part of the thesis provides information concerning the anonymous author of the chronicle, the manuscript of the text, and finally the modern studies so far conducted upon this chronicle. The second chapter presents the Syriac text and the Turkish translation of the text of the chronicle. The Conclusion gives a view of this whole study and aims to bring an evaluation. A bibliography is appended to the end.
The Chronicle of 819 is one of the many works produced by Syrian Orthodox clergymen as a contribution in the field of Syriac historiography that comprises many centuries. Although Syriac chronicles have long been translated into Western languages, this sort of studies have only just started in Turkey. Our intention was therefore to produce a translation of this work and bring it to the attention of the reader. This text relates a progression of historical events, particularly from within the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, and also some topics from the larger community of Syria and Mesopotamia in general, in summary fashion, starting with the birth of the Christ up to 819 CE. In addition to topics related with the Church of Antioch and the Syrian Orthodox community, the chronicle presents remarkable information also in summary form about the relations between the Byzantine and the Sasanian Empires and then also concerning the Umayyad and Abbasid realms. viii This thesis consists of an Introduction and a Conclusion, and two chapters. In the Introduction we presented the importance, content, and limits of the chronicle as well as the aim of the thesis and the sources used in its production. In the first chapter, entitled "Political, Social and Religious Background", firstly, an account of the political, social and religious conditions of the period was presented. Secondly, such topics as the identity of the Syrian Orthodox, the churches of the (Syriac) West and the East, and then the legal status of the non-Muslims within the Muslim realms (dhimmi law) were given in summary form. Thirdly, this part of the thesis provides information concerning the anonymous author of the chronicle, the manuscript of the text, and finally the modern studies so far conducted upon this chronicle. The second chapter presents the Syriac text and the Turkish translation of the text of the chronicle. The Conclusion gives a view of this whole study and aims to bring an evaluation. A bibliography is appended to the end.
Anahtar Kelimeler
819 Yılı Kroniği, Qarmin Manastırı, Antakya Kilisesi, Antakya Patriği, Kilise, Manastır, Urhoy, Khalkedon Konsili, Chronicle of 819, monastery of Qar?min, Church of Antioch, Patriarchate of Antioch, church, monastery, Urhoy (Edessa, Urfa), Council of Chalcedon, Dilbilim, Linguistics, Eski Çağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri, Ancient Linguistics and Cultures, Tarih, History, Dilbilgisi, Grammar, Dilbilim, Linguistics, Dinler tarihi, History of religions, Kronikler, Chronicles, Mezopotamya, Mesopotamia, Süryanice, Syriac, Süryaniler, Syrians, Tarihçilik, Historiography