Teza Lîsansa Bilind Tesrîfa teremaxî
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Van"ın Bahçesaray (Muks) ilçesine bağlı Yaylakonak (Teremax) köyünde dünyaya gelen Eliyê Teremaxî, 16-17. Yüzyıllarda yaşamış bir kürt medrese bilginidir. Teremaxî Kürt dili tarihinde ilk defa Arapça gramerini Kurmanci Kurtçesiyle kaleme almıştır. Teremaxi eserinde Kurmanci Kurtçesi gramerine de özel bir yer ayırmış, bunun yanı sıra Arapça, Farsça ve Kurmanci Kürtçesi gramerlerini karşılaştırmıştır. Çünkü O dilbilimci olarak Kurmanci Kürtçesiyle Arapça ve Kurmanci Kürtçesi gramerleri hakkında nesir olarak kürtçe eser yazan ilk kişidir. Tesrifa Teremaxî'nın ilk elyazmasi 1850"li yıllarında Hakkari"de bir mollanın yanında bulunmuş olup, Mela Mahmûdê Bazîdî onun bir örneğini kaydetmiş ve Kürt medreseleri ile eserin yazarı hakkında bir önsöz eklemiştır. Rusyanın Erzurm konsolosu A. Jaba eseri Leningrad (Petersburg)"ta bulunan Sovyet Bilimler Akedemisi arşivine göndermiş olup,eser günümüze kadar burada muhafaza altında bulunmaktadır. Marûf Xeznedar da el yazmayı oradan alarak 1971'de Bağdat'ta, bir önsözle birlikte yayınlamıştır. Eser bir giriş ile 31 bölümden oluşmuş olup medrese mensuplarından Arapçaya yeni başlayacaklar için hazırlanmış. Tesrifa Teremaxî"nin transkripsiyonu ve dilinin günümüz konuşma diline adapte edilmesiyle şive, dil gramer açısından incelenmesi, Kurmanci Kürtçesi çalışmaları için önemli bir dayanak olmuştur. Tesrîf tarîhsel boyutlarıyla, Kürdistan medreseleri müfredatı içerisindeki ders kitaplari arasında önemli bir yer edinmiştir.
Eliyê Teremaxî was born in the village Teremax near Mukus, Van and he lived in turn of the 16th and 17th century. He is the first person who wrote of Arabic grammar in Kurmanji Kurdish. In his book Teremaxî detached a section for grammar of Kurmanji Kurdish as well as he compared the grammars of Arabic and Kurmanji Kurdish. Therefore, he is considered as the first Kurdish linguistic who wrote of the Arabic and Kurmanji Kurdish grammars in Kurmanji Kurdish. The manuscr pt of Conjugat on by Teremaxî was d scovered by an mam n Hakkar n 1850. Mela Mahmûdê Bazîdî made a copy of t and wrote a prologue about Kurd sh madrasahs and the author. A. Jaba, the Russian Consul of Erzurum, sent a copy of the work to the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Leningrad. Marûf Xeznedar obtained it from there and published it with a prologue in Baghdad in 1971. The work, which consists of one introduction and 31 sections, was prepared for the new students of madrasahs to learn Arabic. The subject of this thesis has been in an interesting position in terms of characteristics of tradition of madrasahs in general and of Kurdish madrasahs. Conjugation by Teremaxî has been transcribed and updated as well as analyzed in terms of style, language and grammar in order to constitute a crucial support for the modern studies on Kurmanji Kurdish. With regards to its historical features, The Conjugation has had an important position among the textbooks of curriculum of madrasahs in Kurdistan.
Eliyê Teremaxî was born in the village Teremax near Mukus, Van and he lived in turn of the 16th and 17th century. He is the first person who wrote of Arabic grammar in Kurmanji Kurdish. In his book Teremaxî detached a section for grammar of Kurmanji Kurdish as well as he compared the grammars of Arabic and Kurmanji Kurdish. Therefore, he is considered as the first Kurdish linguistic who wrote of the Arabic and Kurmanji Kurdish grammars in Kurmanji Kurdish. The manuscr pt of Conjugat on by Teremaxî was d scovered by an mam n Hakkar n 1850. Mela Mahmûdê Bazîdî made a copy of t and wrote a prologue about Kurd sh madrasahs and the author. A. Jaba, the Russian Consul of Erzurum, sent a copy of the work to the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Leningrad. Marûf Xeznedar obtained it from there and published it with a prologue in Baghdad in 1971. The work, which consists of one introduction and 31 sections, was prepared for the new students of madrasahs to learn Arabic. The subject of this thesis has been in an interesting position in terms of characteristics of tradition of madrasahs in general and of Kurdish madrasahs. Conjugation by Teremaxî has been transcribed and updated as well as analyzed in terms of style, language and grammar in order to constitute a crucial support for the modern studies on Kurmanji Kurdish. With regards to its historical features, The Conjugation has had an important position among the textbooks of curriculum of madrasahs in Kurdistan.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eliyê Teremaxî, Serf-Tesrîf, Mela Mahmûdê Bazîdî, medrese, A. Jaba, El yê Teremaxî, Arab c conjunct on, Mela Mahmûdê Bazîdî, madrasah, A. Jaba, Dilbilim, Linguistics, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, 16. yüzyıl, 16. century, 17. yüzyıl, 17. century, Ali Teramahi, Ali Teramahi, Edebiyat, Literature, Kürtler, Kurdish, Kürtçe, Kurdish, Sözlü anlatım, Oral narrative, Sözlü edebiyat, Oral literature, Van, Van, Van-Bahçesaray, Van-Bahçesaray