Aziz Efendi’nin Risâlesinde Kürt Emîrleri (IV. Murad Dönemi, 1623-1640)
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Yavuz Sultan Selim ile başlayan ve Kanunî Sultan Süleyman ile üst
seviyelere çıkan Osmanlı Devleti ile Kürt emîrleri arasındaki ilişkiler, yüzyıl
sonra, Kürt emirlerinin neredeyse bütün sosyo-ekonomik ve sosyo-politik
güçlerini kaybettikleri bir noktaya evrilmiştir. Kayd-ı hayat şartıyla
kendilerine tevcîh edilen Yurtluk-Ocaklık ve Hükümet sancaklarındaki
yönetim hakları, bölge valileri tarafından ellerinden alınmıştır. Emîrler,
sahip olduklarını kaybetmemek için ribahorlardan (tefecilerden) faizle borç
almışlar ve adeta onlara mahkum hale gelmişlerdir Doğu ve Batı
seferlerinde önemli bir askerî güç olarak yer alan Kürt emîrlerinin Devlete
sadık kalabilmeleri ve bilhassa, İran seferlerinde icrâ ettikleri hayatî
desteklerinin devamı için bir takım tedbirlerin alınması gerekiyordu. Azîz
Efendi tarafından hazırlanan ve XVII. yüzyılın ikinci çeyreğinde (1632)
devletin askerî, idarî ve malî yapısına yönelik tespit, tahlil ve önerilerin yer
aldığı risâlede, Kürt emîrlerin sorunları ve bu sorunların çözümüne yönelik
sunulan öneriler, iki taraf arasındaki ilişkilerin tamirini ve bu ilişkilerin
tamamen kopuşunu engellemeyi amaçlamıştır. Aksi takdirde, memâlik-i
mahrûsenin Doğu sınırları ve Kürt coğrafyası Safevîler’in istilasıyla
yüzleşmek zorunda kalacaktır.
Relationships between the Ottoman State and Kurdish emirates started during the reign of Sultan Selim I and ascended to an unsurpassed level during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. A century later, the Kurdish emirs lost their all social-economic and socio-political powers. Until their death, they are given administrative rights in the sancaks (called yurdluk-ocaklık and hükümet sancaks) were defeated by the regional governors (beylerbeys). In order not to lose what they have, Kusdish emirs have borrowed interest from the moneylender (ribahor) and have been condemned to them. Kurdish emirs who took part as an important military power in the campaigns of the Ottoman State in the East and West and in particular, they provide for the continuation of vital support to the military expeditions against Iran. It was supposed to remedy their situation. One report that had taken determination, analysis and recommendations regarding the military, administrative and financial structure of the state. It was prepared by Aziz Efendi in the second quarter of the XVII. century (1632). The solutions of problems of the Kurdish emirs were to repair the relations between the Ottoman state and the Kurdish emirs and to prevent these relations from breaking. Otherwise, the Eastern borders of the Ottoman Empire and Kurdish region will have to face the invasion of the Safavids
Relationships between the Ottoman State and Kurdish emirates started during the reign of Sultan Selim I and ascended to an unsurpassed level during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. A century later, the Kurdish emirs lost their all social-economic and socio-political powers. Until their death, they are given administrative rights in the sancaks (called yurdluk-ocaklık and hükümet sancaks) were defeated by the regional governors (beylerbeys). In order not to lose what they have, Kusdish emirs have borrowed interest from the moneylender (ribahor) and have been condemned to them. Kurdish emirs who took part as an important military power in the campaigns of the Ottoman State in the East and West and in particular, they provide for the continuation of vital support to the military expeditions against Iran. It was supposed to remedy their situation. One report that had taken determination, analysis and recommendations regarding the military, administrative and financial structure of the state. It was prepared by Aziz Efendi in the second quarter of the XVII. century (1632). The solutions of problems of the Kurdish emirs were to repair the relations between the Ottoman state and the Kurdish emirs and to prevent these relations from breaking. Otherwise, the Eastern borders of the Ottoman Empire and Kurdish region will have to face the invasion of the Safavids
Anahtar Kelimeler
: IV. Murad, Kürt Emîrleri, Yurtluk-Ocaklık Sancağı, Hükümet Sancağı, Hüsrev Paşa, Aziz Efendi Kanunnâmesi., Murad IV, Kurdish Emirs, Yurtluk-Ocaklık Sancaks, Hukumet Sancaks, Hüsrev Pasha, Kanunname (Sultanic laws and regulations) of Aziz Efendi.
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
BİLGİN F (2019). Aziz Efendi’nin Risâlesinde Kürt Emîrleri (IV. Murad Dönemi, 1623-1640). Mukaddime, 10(1), 1 - 19. Doi: 10.19059/mukaddime.315248